plane holiday vacation


As Madonna once said. #Earworm

I have a boarding card in my grubby mitts and I’m officially checked in for my flight tomorrow (Manchester to Inverness, I really shouldn’t be so excited about it). The entire series of Ace is now live across Amazon, ARe, RainbowEbooks and Smashwords, and trickling through various suppliers to all my other outlets. (more…)

highland cow

What’s Going On?

As Four Non-Blondes once said 😉

I haz news, my sweets. Ace continues to release, with Parts Six, Seven and Eight coming in the next three weeks. Some of the eagle-eyed among you may have noticed Part Eight will be available a day early, from 01 September. That wasn’t a typo, as on that date I shall be boarding a plane and flying to my little croft in Scotland for my annual hermitage. (more…)


A Wave of Nausea

So I’m sure by now you’ve probably heard of the latest kerfuffle from JesseWave. A nasty little blog post bitching about mf content in mm romances. What Wave wants, apparently, is a trigger warning for every occurrence of het sex  in books sold as mm, in order that she and her ilk can avoid them. Well since when did straight sex become a trigger up there with rape, incest, underage sex and taboo practices? (more…)