I’ve been a busy bee working on an entirely new series, Puddledown Mysteries. Set in England during the years following WWII, cozy mystery meets historical m/m romance in THE DEAD PAST, Book 1, anticipated release 21 April 2014.
Puddledown, England
The year is 1948, the war is over and the evacuees have gone home, although rationing continues. For Hugo Wainwright, who escaped conscription and never had to fight for his country, very little has changed. He lives a quiet life away from the big cities, knowing his desires for other men will lead to disaster if he ever acts on them.
Tommy Granger spent his service on the battlefields of France. He experienced it all: the bloody horrors of war, and the chaos of Dunkirk. Finding employment as groundskeeper in the woods on the outskirts of Puddledown, he lives in solitude, trying to forget all the terrible things he’s seen.
When Hugo stumbles over a body not far from Tommy’s cabin, both men’s lives change forever. There’s a killer in the woods, and the townsfolk are sure Tommy is the culprit. Can Hugo clear the name of the man he’s falling for, or is the evidence against Tommy more than circumstantial?
Louisa Bacio · March 19, 2014 at 3:06 am
What a different cover! I like it. Stands out.
Kate Aaron · March 19, 2014 at 1:17 pm
Thanks This series is a little bit different, so I wanted to avoid the usual cover tropes. Time will tell if it works or not!
Meredith Davidson-King · March 21, 2014 at 1:49 pm
looks awesome! Can’t wait to read it!
Kate Aaron · March 22, 2014 at 8:07 pm
thank you! <3
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